Other Ways To Give

Become a Concert Sponsor and support the future of jazz! Many of our concerts are sponsored by local businesses and individuals. It’s an effective way to link your name with America’s original art form and show your support of arts and culture in our community. Concert sponsorship is a great marketing opportunity for your business. All donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Please contact Chanel Enriquez for more information.
Support Jazz Education
This contribution will go directly to support Kuumbwa Jazz’s education programs. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this donation. All donations are tax deductible and we will send you a letter with our tax ID number for your records. Click here to donate to our Education Programs. Thank you!
Planned Giving – Join the Kuumbwa Jazz Legacy Society
Planned giving for Kuumbwa Jazz is an investment in the cultural enrichment of our community. We invite our community members to join the Kuumbwa Jazz Legacy Society and create lasting impact that will ensure Kuumbwa’s success for many years to come.
You can make a gift in many creative ways that will offer you and your loved-ones financial benefits. We’re here to guide you towards the information you need to make a legacy gift. Below are a few of the ways you are able to make a legacy gift. Please contact Chanel Enriquez, Managing Director, at chanel@kuumbwajazz.org for more information.
Thank you for your consideration in making Kuumbwa Jazz part of your legacy plans.
Stock Gifts:
Kuumbwa Jazz gratefully accepts gifts of stock. To gift DTC eligible securities to Kuumbwa Jazz’s brokerage account at Morgan Stanley, please use the following transfer instructions.
Morgan Stanley DTC Clearing Number: 0015
For the Benefit of
Account Number: 136-037593-032
Account Name and Address: Kuumbwa Jazz Society, 320-2 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Please notify The Wedeen Hammer Locatelli Group at Morgan Stanley about your upcoming securities gift by calling 831-440-5269.
Bequests in a will or living trust:
You can make gifts of a specific asset, dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate to Kuumbwa Jazz through a bequest in your will, or provision in your living trust. Gifts may also be made to the Kuumbwa Jazz Endowment Fund managed by the Community Foundation Santa Cruz County.
Sample Bequest Language: “I give to Kuumbwa Jazz Society, (EIN 51-0159252), a California not-for-profit organization located in Santa Cruz, California, [ the sum of $___ dollars; ___ percent of my estate, or of the residue of my estate; the following described property; the proceeds of the sale of described property; etc.] to be used in such manner as its Board of Trustees may direct.” [or, if you have a specific purpose in mind, please contact us at 831-427-2227 to ensure that we can fulfill your wishes.]
If you have included Kuumbwa Jazz in a bequest, we thank you for your generosity and hope that you will inform Chanel Enriquez to be listed as a member of the Legacy Society, inspiring others to follow your example.
Charitable IRA Donation:
Whether it’s a company retirement plan, a private fund such as an Individual Retirement Account, or a combination of the two, you can designate Kuumbwa Jazz as the final beneficiary of any remaining funds that you or your loved ones do not use.
If you wish to name Kuumbwa Jazz as the beneficiary of an Individual Retirement Account, the beneficiary name would be:
Legal Name: Kuumbwa Jazz Society.
Federal Tax ID: 51-0159252
Mailing Address: 320-2 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
The Kuumbwa Jazz Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation may also be named as a final beneficiary of any remaining funds that you or your loved ones do not use. Please contact chanel@kuumbwajazz.org for more information.
Matching Gifts:
Make your donation to Kuumbwa Jazz go even further by utilizing your employer’s donation matching program! Often, employers have a matching program where they will match a monetary donation to a charity organization. We have listed several programs from Bay Area companies for your convenience. If you don’t see your company listed, contact your employers’ HR department.
Click here for company matching gifts list.
The above information is for informational purposes only. All content and information provided in the above table is the property of the respective owners. Kuumbwa Jazz assumes no responsibility. For the accuracy or maintaining the information and recommends that an individual check the accuracy prior to making any submissions or requests to their employer.
Key Information
Legal Name: Kuumbwa Jazz Society
Federal Tax ID: 51-0159252
Mailing Address: 320-2 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Website: kuumbwajazz.org
Phone number: (831) 427-2227